Decorate your home with indoor plants

Indoor plants can bring joy, life, and color to any space in your house. They beautify your home and give you the gift of wellness. There are a lot of advantages to having plants in your home. Let’s take a look at how you can decorate your house with indoor plants.


Why should you decorate with indoor plants?

Like we mentioned before, plants are not just beautiful but also have tons of benefits:

According to color therapists, green has a balancing power so the color and beauty of plants have a positive influence on your mood and give harmony to any room. They are also very good for people’s concentration.

Plants oxygenate spaces. They use sunlight and carbon dioxide to create oxygen. However, at night, they use oxygen to create carbon dioxide so it is not recommended to put too many of them in a confined space. They also humidify the air and are a great barrier against loud noises.


Recommendations for decorating with indoor plants

When using plants to decorate try to not choose too many large plants indoors. It is important to take into account the space available. Put small plants on a shelf or table, the larger ones in a corner. Avoid putting a plant next to a decorative object of the same height because it is not visually attractive. It is better if it is smaller or taller.

Try to group similar plants, maybe with leaves of similar texture, color, or shape. If you want to group different plants in a big and wide pot, it is better if you put the smaller ones at the front and the larger ones at the back. Also, designers recommend grouping plants in an odd number.

You have to know before choosing any plant how much water, humidity, and light it needs. Make sure that the plants receive enough light or use low-light tolerant plants in dark spots. Choose a spot with good ventilation or ventilate the space every morning to remove the carbon dioxide plants produce at night.


Ideas for decorating with indoor plants

There are many places where you can put your plants, like the walls, just like a photograph or a painting. You can put some wall pots or install a shelf and put flowers, or hanging plants on it. Aromatics plants are great to scent the spaces. You can use them in the bathroom or kitchen, but it is not a good idea for the bedrooms because the smell can hinder your sleep.

For your living room, you can choose a large plant and put it in a corner, it will be visually stunning and it will not make the space look smaller. Try to alternate plants with other objects, on a table, you can put plants and alternate them with pictures or other objects, or on a bookshelf next to some books. You can also use plants to cover any imperfection or aesthetically unattractive elements like an exposed pipe.